Like Hostages… In an Autumn of Reflection
Hope and despair
are captured here
as in this cell we wait …
Weakness meets might… and darkness meets light…
Wrongs preempt Rights… as instincts encourage flight…
While in this cell we wait …
In time
East must meet West… and North must meet South…
Love must outdo Hate… as Courage greets Fate…
While in this cell we wait…
And as we sit here… heads lowered in the den of despair…
We feel the desperation that comes when we are hopelessly herded by the anxieties that inform the tensions between us.
And in those moments of harsh recognition our eyes become overwhelmed by the well of tears within us…
Liquified remnants of the reign of despair
that creates a vexing discomfort
in the place
in which we wait…
Tomorrow … when it comes … may help us see
the tragic links between us …
That hope for some spells despair for others…
And that to be free we must come to understand
that we are all prisoners of each other’s longings …
And that to survive East must meet West
and North must meet South
and recognize that we are hostages together
on the one earth that is our prison… or our paradise…
And that we will only be free again
when we decline the invitation to engage with one another
on the basis of those things that we fear about each other.
But until then…
We wait.
( For us all… And for those held as hostages
in various countries around the world. Love heals. Fear breeds torment.)
One Love!
R. A. G.
Roy Alexander Graham
Copyright 2022. Figtree Enterprises, Inc.